Considering the heritage of Forsbergs, as well as of Munken, this is a perfect opportunity to embrace the historical and symbiotic relationship between paper mills and typography – two disciplines that have been of fundamental importance in communication for centuries.
The message of this year’s agenda: All that is needed to create an agenda is typography and paper. Here, past and future generations of typographers meet: Berling from 1951, and Nero Grotesk from 2021. Two chronologically distant typefaces, and typographers, unite in the same work.
The visual components illustrating each month experiment with some of the classical typefaces, such as Futura, Garamond and Rockwell. This is an innovative approach to the historically strict and law-abiding nature of typography.
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Details on the Munken Agenda 2023
Dimensions: A5
Cover: Munken Kristall 400 g/m²
Content: Munken Kristall, Munken Kristall Rough, Munken Polar, Munken Polar Rough,
Munken Lynx, Munken Lynx Rough, Munken Pure, Munken Pure Rough – all in 120 g/m2.
Print: Komori, Lithrone S40P Hybrid Print Technology. 4-colour CMYK.
Ink: Toyo Ink, Flash Dry.
Printer: Göteborgstryckeriet, Gothenburg, Sweden
Bookbinder: Förlagshuset Nordens Grafiska, Malmö, Swede